Fostering Intentions Series
Ahhhhh. The start of a sweet new year is upon us. I used to be one of those people that made a list in my journal every year of all the things I wanted to accomplish. Then March would roll around and I hadn’t gotten started on most of them. And then Summer was upon us and before I knew it, it was Thanksgiving and I hadn’t quite made a dent in any of my resolutions.
As I got older, I decided to bail on the list for fear of failure…. and then I realized what was missing. A Freaking PLAN! One of my favorite sayings is…. If you fail to plan, you might as well plan to fail.
What I also learned is that it’s not just about the plan, it’s also about the support system. Whether it’s a spouse, a friend, a coworker or fellow entrepreneur, if you don’t have an accountability buddy to keep you on track, it’s easy to go off course or fall off completely. I’ve seen some incredible success among women in my groups just based on the fact that they are held accountable for their plans.
So this year, I haven’t written down resolutions, but instead, I’ve made a list that consists of intentions. And with each one, there's a plan…. and that plan includes a support system to stay on course.
Here’s the best part..... let's support each other. I’d like to invite you to join me on my 12 months of “Fostering Intentions”. If you don’t quite have your yearly intentions laid out yet, that’s ok - you can either use mine each month or share the ones posted by other people in the group. You don't need to go at it alone.
Here’s how it works:
On the 1st Friday of each month(this month will be January 6th), I’ll be posting to the group 'My Intention' that I will be Fostering for the month and will ask you to share yours with us. On the last Wednesday of every month, we’ll meet again online to share how we’ve done. If you need help, support or guidance, you can ask for it from the group or even share your wins during the month.
The group is here to support you. All you need to do is sign up. Once you do, I’ll send you an invite to our private Facebook group and our private online Zoom meeting location. You can login for face to face, call in anonymously or just partake in the chat box…. totally up to you.
If you’re stuck on what your monthly intentions should be, here are just a few of mine to help you get started.
- Step out of the Comfort Zone and try something new
- Commit to a New Habit by breaking an old one
- Weekly Positive Affirmations
This is a great opportunity to network online with other entrepreneurs, obtain monthly support to meet your goals and feel good by helping others achieve theirs.
Click below to get started and join today. Sign up before January 25th which will be our first online get together.
Registration Form:
To join our 12-month 'Fostering Intentions' series please fill out the form on the right. Once we receive your submission, you'll be invited to our online PRIVATE Facebook group along with a link to join our Zoom Webinar group. Our goal is ensure that you get the support and guidance you need to reach your goals for 2017. We look forward to hearing from you.
“I just love the whole women supporting women approach. I think that women are really naturally nurturing and we have a lot to share and give to each other and in the types of businesses that we’re in we’re not really competing with each other we just want to see each other succeed.”
-Gail Grossman, Om Sweet Om