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Want to Become an Entrepreneur in 2016?

Looking back to early August, I can’t believe the transformation and growth that took place over the 6-weeks for the women in my FosterU group. As I looked around the room at the final session, I reflected back to our first week when we talked about passions, visions, purposes and the reason WHY we all wanted to start our own businesses.

Some women came with fleshed out plans and others with just a spark of an idea. That final night, they left with a 6 weeks worth of materials to take them from the idea stage through launch and practices and strategies for sustainability.

Aside from the detailed presentations and documents, they left inspired, motivated and focused. They gained a clearer sense of what they want their businesses to be or not to be, and what steps to take to get to the next level.

Starting a new venture isn’t easy. Staying focused and accountable once you start isn’t easy either. FosterU is designed to not just educate but to encourage you to think bigger and delve deeper into what you truly are looking to accomplish, personally and professionally.

Some highlights of this six-week workshop include:

- the necessary steps from finding your 'why'

- creating your vision

- understanding the fundamentals of starting a business

- building your brand

- defining the audience and how to market to them

- and structuring a model for launch and sustainability

The next FosterU workshop series kicks off the first week in November to get you ready to kick off your NEW business in 2016. Reach out and find out how to apply for your spot. Seats are limited. Contact me at: or 917-498-5411

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