For many of us, we take Daylight Savings Time as a huge loss. We already don’t have enough time in the day to get everything done.
If you’re like me, running around trying to keep a million balls in the air without dropping things, then the loss of ONE WHOLE HOUR may be stressing you out.
I’m here to support you and share some of what I've learned over the years that have helped me get my time back!!
Here are 3 of my time hacks to get you back on track:
On Saturday day or Sunday night, try making your to-do list so you can be more productive in the morning. Many of us will wake up with a little brain fog on Monday morning and this is a great way to have you plan for the week all ready to go.
Spend a few minutes blocking time for important things you need to do for the week. Keep in mind that if you're normally super productive at 8 am, you'll now want to block that time at 9 am instead. Also, keep in mind you might be more tired in the mornings this week. My list below will help you to hopefully not feel the drain.
Go to bed 15 - 30 minutes earlier (starting today), since you'll be waking up earlier tomorrow. This will help your body clock reset.
Changing clocks changes a lot of other things too. Most notably, your circadian rhythm - basically your body’s internal clock. That clock needs resetting as well and by doing some or all of the tips below, you can help not just reset your internal clock, but maybe even develop some new healthy habits moving forward.
As mentioned above, go to bed 15-30 minutes earlier than you normally would.
Don’t eat within 2 hours of your bedtime.
Start shutting down your technology earlier than normal. If your bedtime is shifting, so should your screen time.
Dim your lights in your house or use lamps instead of overhead lights after 7 pm.
Don't drink caffeine after 3 pm.
Cut out alcohol (I know this is weird coming out of my mouth) 3-4 hours before bed. Have your 5-o'cocktail but make sure you're done by 7 pm if your bedtime is 10 pm.
Turn down the temp - a perfect sleeping temp is between 60 and 67 degrees. This will help you get optimal sleep.
Try not to lie in bed after your alarm goes off. Push yourself to jump out of bed and quickly go and brush your teeth and wash your face. This is a wake-me-up hack that works like magic. Look at yourself in the mirror and recite a positive affirmation or something along the lines of “I feel GREAT. I am awake and energized.” Tricking your brain into feeling awake actually makes you feel more awake. Trust me, it works.
Hydrate - chug a glass of water as soon as you are done washing your face. You dehydrate overnight and replenishing those fluids makes you feel better. Keep hydrating throughout the day. Try drinking half your body weight in fluid ounces.
Go outside and get some fresh air as soon as you wake up. Look up at the sky and suck in those morning rays. It’s an instant reset.
Move. Get your body moving. Exercise first thing in the morning gets your heart rate going and helps to get your mind clear.
While none of us are thrilled to be waking up in the dark again, if you're an early riser like me you've been enjoying the last few mornings where it's light out earlier, the good news is, Spring is around the corner. So enjoy this change of season and let me know if you picked up any of the tips above and made them a new daily routine.
