January has come and gone. Poof! Just like that. How you doing with those goals? Did you even bother setting them this year?
Let's talk... I'm done fucking around and maybe you are too. (Not that I've been fucking around but for effect... it sounds better)
I guess what I'm trying to say is... I'm READY for it! For ALL OF IT!
If 2024 has taught me anything, it's this:
trust my instincts (especially as a mama)
surround yourself with people who are ready to do anything they can to help and support you and know you'd do the same for them
let everyone you love know how much you love them because life can change in an instant
time is the most precious resource you have so make the most of the time you've got with the people you love and adore
when life throws you lemons get out the juicer and make some fucking lemonade
when you feel like things suck, look around and know that someone else is dealing with something worse - after a week in the PICU you realize just how much you have and how lucky you are
don't live with regrets - go after your dreams and create the life you want to live
I've got a lot more where those came from but let's focus on that last one... create the life you want to live!
I kicked off the year with a Vision Board workshop and this is the outcome:

I LOVE IT! It's all about 'optimization'.
It has affirmations like:
"I am worthy"
"I am powerful"
"I am going places"
"I am brave"
"I am happy"
"I am a money magnet"
It's got reminders like:
'Lend a hand'
'Enjoy the little things'
'I choose to collect memories instead of things'
'A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles'
'Make yourself proud'
'If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door'
And my favorite of all..... "I'M JUST GETTING STARTED!"
In early January, I was gifted a book by my good friend and yogi,
@Samantha Gerson - Into the Magic Shop by Dr. James Doty. It was exactly what I needed. It got me thinking very deeply about what I want to manifest in my life. Not just for 2025 but, the long term. The vision that keeps coming to me is a repeat of a vision from a few years ago.
Two weeks later, I went to Othership in New York City on a Saturday night with a friend I met at BioCulture. Othership is an experience - group sauna and cold plunge, either guided or free flowing. We took a guided class called Rose, Bud, Thorn. The gist was the thorn is what gets in your way, the bud is what you want to be, and the rose is you being it and doing it - the blossomed version of YOU. It was powerful. And the same vision came up again.
So, I'm going all in on manifesting the shit out of the vision and I'm inviting you along for the ride. Here's the deal. Our brain works in crazy ways. Like... super crazy! Visualizing what you want is THE BEST WAY to get it!
Stay with me, this is a little long....
In short, here's what I mean:
#1 - Visualization activates your Brain’s RAS. The Reticular Activating System (RAS) is a network of neurons in your brain that acts as a filter for information. It decides what gets your attention based on what you focus on. For example - Ever decide that you want a small red SUV and then all of a sudden, you keep seeing small red SUV’s all over the road? That’s your RAS.
How it works: When you visualize your goals, you program your RAS to prioritize opportunities, ideas, and connections that align with your vision. For example, if you’ve visualized becoming a songwriter, your brain is more likely to notice an open mic night or a networking opportunity with music professionals.
#2 - Visualization trains your brain to believe
Visualization strengthens neural pathways in your brain, making your goals feel more achievable. You know... see it, believe it, achieve it.
How it works: When you repeatedly visualize yourself achieving something—like standing on stage performing or getting that dream job/client—it creates a sense of familiarity. Your brain can’t always distinguish between what’s real and what’s imagined, so it starts to believe that you can achieve what you’re visualizing. This builds confidence and reduces self-doubt.
#3 - Visualization Creates Emotional Alignment with Your Goals
Visualization taps into your emotions, which are critical drivers of action.
How it works: By imagining how it feels to accomplish your goals—whether it’s pride, excitement, or joy—you create an emotional connection to your vision. This motivates you to take action because you’ve already experienced the “reward” in your mind... and it FEELS AMAZING!
#4 - Improves Focus and Reduces Distractions
Visualization helps you stay focused on your goals by keeping them top of mind.
How it works: When you have a clear mental image of your goal, you’re less likely to get sidetracked by unrelated tasks or distractions. For example, if you’re visualizing a healthier lifestyle, you’re more likely to make choices (like meal prepping or working out) that align with that vision.
#5 - Enhances Performance Through Mental Rehearsal
Athletes and performers often use visualization to improve their skills and performance.
How it works: By mentally rehearsing specific actions—like hitting a high note, closing a deal, or completing a marathon—you prepare your brain and body to perform those actions in real life. Studies show that visualization can activate the same brain areas as actually doing the activity, which helps improve your execution.
Visualization works because it combines focus, emotion, and belief, creating a mental blueprint for success. When you visualize your goals consistently, you prime your brain to notice opportunities, stay motivated, and take actions that align with your vision.
It’s not magic—it’s mindset combined with action. Visualization helps you see what’s possible and prepares you to make it a reality.
Ready to start visualizing and manifesting everything you want in life?
Back to the 'Into the Magic Shop' book....
Dr. James Doty tells his story about how he met a woman named Ruth who taught him at an early age how to manifest. It's an incredible book and I highly recommend it to all of you. (Get it here)
Let’s cut to the chase—you want more out of life. More success. More joy. More alignment with the big, bold, badass vision you have for yourself. But let’s be real: Wanting it isn’t enough. You have to learn how to train your mind and body to actually attract it.
That’s why I created a 4-Week Manifestation Challenge!
Inspired by the book, this challenge is designed to teach you the real magic behind making things happen—not through wishful thinking, but through intentional daily practices that rewire your brain, calm your body, and align your energy with what you actually want.
Here’s the deal: Week 1: Calm the F*ck Down – Because you can’t manifest when your nervous system is firing on all cylinders. It just doesn't work. Trust me, I've tried.
Week 2: Focus Your Mind – No more scattered energy. Learn to direct your thoughts with purpose. It's not as hard as you think. Basically, just stop thinking so hard. I'll teach you how.
Week 3: Open Your Heart – Align your emotions with your desires. This is where things get powerful. And this is probably one of the most important parts because if you don't do this, it could all go to shit.
Week 4: Visualize & Manifest – Create the future you want with clarity and confidence.
What’s required from you?Just 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the evening for 28 days. That’s it. No fluff, no BS. Do the work, and watch what happens.
This is for you if:
You’re tired of setting goals that never stick You feel stuck and need a shift (like, you wish you shifted yesterday)
You know deep down you’re capable of more, but something’s blocking you - hello, me too! And I'm done being blocked!
You’re ready to learn real manifestation—not just “think positive” fluffy stuff
I’m not saying this lightly—this WILL change your life if you commit. Your future self will thank you. TRUST!!!
I only want people who are serious, and I'm only asking you pay a tiny fee of $29 to join because when you pay, you'll be more committed. That's just how it works. Nobody does the free shit, trust me, I've tried that too. So, are you in or not?
How to join:
Click here to join the Fostering Longevity Community - it's free. https://www.skool.com/fostering-longevity/about
Once you're in - Click on 'CLASSROOM' at the top of the page and Select 'Manifestation Challenge'. Pay the $29 and you're in!!!
See you inside. Let’s make some f*cking magic happen in just 10 minutes a day! If you can't spend 10 minutes on your dreams, you may never reach them!